Saturday, March 19, 2011

Inspired, pumped and Smudgerella - last postcard from London.

I have just had the most phenomenal work conference!

You know I don’t talk about work here at St. Murphy, but just need to share this.

I work with some incredibly cool, inspiring people – I love them! It’s all the people from around the world who have the same job as me. Yes, there are other people just like me!! Granted they dress better and are far more eloquent, but in essence we all do the same thing. Its so re-assuring and brilliant fun to compare stories and battle-wounds. I’m feeling incredibly lucky to be a part of such an organization and this group. Ahhhhh… It’s a Kumbaya moment.

We had a team dinner last night which was so much fun, absolutely hysterical. A room full of Communications people with alcohol is always going to be loud. But this was stadium-like. Our place tags were these fantastic caricatures of each of us. Mine is brilliant! It will now feature everywhere. Coolest thing ever.

It feels like this has been the longest week in the world – straddling two completely opposite time zones and not doing either one of them justice. All week I’ve been so confused about what day it is and what time it is. My laptop says one thing, watch another and my phone jumps between the two. I just know I’ve missed shit on both sides of the globe. Got a lot of making up to do next week. Mmmmm…. That’s something to look forward to. Good news is I’m coming home completely inspired and pumped! Everyone is going to find me very annoying.

I’m a couple of days late but I caught up with one of my oldest friends the other night, one of my nearest and dearest, Smudgerella! She is gorgeous and the best life-coach EVER! It was beautiful to see her and share a cocktail. Smudge and I were original housemates at ‘432’ over a decade ago. She is world famous for one morning asking everyone “Do you ever wake up and just feel like a vodka?” She was deadly serious. Now she is a very respectable mum of beautiful Zachy. We shared a number of gorgeous martini’s. Good times. Love you Smudge, thank you honey. 

Sorry that this post is a little poor on content. I am so tired and exhausted and completely mentally drained. Travelling home now. I really love London, I'm going to miss it.

Love ya, xoxoxo
St. Murphy

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